Palm in Our Hands

A book by Darcelle Nesser

Press Coverage on March 2024 Art by Darcelle Nesser

Human History through its use of Palm Oil.

A silent voyage through a collection of illustrated narratives that has no words, to express what cannot be expressed with words alone.

This collection of over 150 free-hand drawn charcoal sketches bind together Ancient West Africa, Benin Bronzes, Slavery, Industrialization, War, Deforestation, Labor Trafficking, with everything else in between and beyond.

Darcelle Nesser Palm Book

On the 2nd of March 2023; Darcelle had been sent on a quest by Anaru Woods.

This peculiar quest had no bounds, no beginning, nor end. To capture just a figment of the adventure into the unknown world, Darcelle documented her travels into the stories of human history, using Palm Oil as the compass to navigate between the lives and times of the known human world.

Palm Oil was decided to be the subject matter for the first of this quest upon Darcelle’s completion of her oil painting “Between Two Fires”. A nostalgic curiosity re-emerged; and posed itself with the question; Why are Orangutans associated with deforestation, and what does Palm Oil have anything to do with it?

The information available about Palm Oil and its role in the movement of human society had been a dizzying chaotic search in itself. However, it is with the help from Dr. Max Haiven, an expert on the subject of Palm Oil and Humanity, Darcelle began this deep dive with intent.

Darcelle took this as a new mission; to share the story of Palm Oil from its beginning to where humanity is now; to present it through the feelings invoked by the stories we can see. A portrayal of history where literacy and language would not be a barrier to the wisdom gained from historical introspection.

This collection of drawings, is a travel guide into human history.

The reader will be the one to decide how extensive their adventure is.

“Between Two Fires”

Oil Painting by Darcelle Nesser

Darcelle’s brainstorm in the making of Palm in Our Hands

This guide made by Darcelle, has been provided here for those who wish to study further the history referenced in the book Palm in Our Hands

Darcelle Nesser Book Palm

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