
Darcelle Nesser Photons Bollard

The Expansion of Space in the Universe with Time

The final bollard in the Summer Bollard Series

Long, long time ago, several billion years, gamma rays would be emitted from events in space. We can detect these photons but as radio waves using radio detectors.

With Time, the universe and all the empty space inside it expands. With enough time the universe expands so much that these gamma photons (emitted several billion years ago) stretch out into Radio photons (longer wavelengths) during the several billion years it has taken to reach us.

We cannot see gamma or radio, which makes it hard to visually represent in a painting. But we can see a range of photons from violet (short wave length) to red (long wavelength).

Photons are emitted from the top, we can see the purple waves travel down. We see it reappear after some time as the red photons.

This topic mesmerizes me so much, I am so very glad I am able to share this joy with the world!

