
My newest theme. Started around mid October 2021, I have changed my lifestyle around to becoming a morning person. Fascinated by how different everything is at Dawn in contrast to Dusk.

I have always been a Sunset person, but everything about the morning, sunrises, the fact that it marks the beginning of a new day of adventure, feels like a breath of fresh air.

This theme will contain paintings that do not conform to most of the rules I have given myself in my 3 Words Project. Currently, just one painting, with more to come!

The Lupin

-Nov 2021

This painting is token painting with reference to the third bollard I have painted on George Street.

Featuring quilling, this is a White Lupin in front of the Sunrise, surrounded by a field of more White Lupins.

Reverse side of the painting are more White Lupins against the Sunset.

One of Ten Bollards in my Summer Series of Street Art

Sunrise Bollard

A bollard showing the vibrancy of clouds during Sunrise, but in revers.

Clouds during Sunrise

